Time: 20:00 CET (8 PM)
Venue: Stahlwerk
Duration: 40 minutes
Participants: maximum 5

Brace yourself for an electrifying collision of intellect and entertainment! A science slam is an intense and engaging event that brings together scientists to present their scientific research in a creative, immersive, and accessible way in front of an audience. Join us as the brightest minds in AI ignite the stage at our Science Slam.

This year’s Helmholtz AI Conference is packed with great opportunities to show your work and expand your network. Join our SCIENCE SLAM on June 13! This event will be held during the official conference dinner at Stahlwerk as part of the Helmholtz AI Conference 2024.

Step up individually or in pairs and captivate the audience with your latest scientific work or any intriguing topic in just 6 minutes! With any visuals, presentations, and videos to support your delivery, you can make your entry as creative and informative as possible. The floor is open for questions and discussions for 2 minutes after, fueling the excitement further! A jury will evaluate each Science Slammer and will “award” the winner at the end of the event with a Science Slammer Certificate and a special merch item.

We welcome short abstracts of a maximum of 400 words as contributions to the Science Slam. Please, submit via email here.

Deadline: 03.06.2024, 23:59 CET