Please be aware: Presenting authors have to be on-site in person. There is no opportunity to present an oral or poster presentation virtually/remotely.

Submit an abstract:

  • The poster session will take place on Wednesay, 12 June, 2024 from 18:15–19:45 pm.
  • Please prepare your printed poster in the following format:
    • DIN A0 format (118.9 cm high x 84.1 cm wide)
    • Portrait size
  • You can mount your poster on the numbered poster wall on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 between 16:00 and 18:00 pm.
  • Tools, like stickers, pin needles etc. will be provided.
  • Conference participants will be able to access all posters after the official presentation, as the walls with posters will remain accessible for the duration of the conference.
  • Please remove your poster not later than 11:00 am on Friday, 14 June 2024. Posters that are not removed will be disposed at the end of the conference.
  • The posters will be devided in two groups:
    • Group 1: all odd poster numbers from 18:15–19:00
    • Group 2: all even poster numbers from 19:00–19:45
    • The poster numbers can be found later in the program.

Guidelines for submission:

  • Presenting authors have to be on-site in person. There is no opportunity to present an oral or poster presentation virtually/remotely.
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Authors are responsible for the literary standard of submitted abstracts. If necessary, authors are recommended to seek for editorial help.
  • Further, it is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the author.
  • Standard abbreviations must be used. Other abbreviations must be defined in brackets after the first use of the word.
  • Please provide information on potential conflicts of interest.
  • Abstracts can be submitted for an oral presentation, a poster presentation or both.
  • Please provide up to 3 keywords from the list below to describe your contribution.
  • Abstracts can only be one page long.
  • Information about the acceptance of talk/poster submissions will be sent in May.
  • Posters will be presented in a printed version this year.
  • AI Fundamentals (e.g. General Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Foundation Modells, Reinforcement Learning, Probabilistic Methods, Theory (control theory, learning theory, algorithmic game theory), Optimization)
  • Specialized AI Techniques (e.g. Physics-informed machine learning, Brain-inspired AI)
  • Applications of AI (e.g. Applications – speech processing, computational biology, computer vision, NLP, neuroscience, hybrid modeling)
  • Transparency and reproducibility of AI (e.g. Causality and XAI, Reproducibility, Uncertainty, Out-of-distribution detection)
  • Scalability and Efficiency (e.g. Scalable AI, Infrastructure (datasets, competitions, implementations, libraries), Energy efficient AI, In Infrastructure: Workflows, ML-Ops,
  • Social and Ethical Dimensions (e.g. Social Aspects of Machine Learning (AI safety, ethics, fairness, privacy), Regarding social aspects: Regulatory aspects, Software as a contract (also in the context of XAI, ML-Ops))

Pre-conference satellite events are an excellent way to engage participants and offer diverse learning opportunities. The Helmholtz AI team at Forschungszentrum Jülich aims to offer an interactive platform for the Helmholtz AI community to delve deeper into specific topics of applied AI, foster collaboration, and provide hands-on learning experiences. We invite you to propose a specific activity, e.g., a workshop, hackathon, or tutorial that goes beyond the programme of the main conference framework.

The team in Jülich will provide appropriate facilities, set up the overall schedule, and will also care about logistics such as transport from Düsseldorf to Jülich in the morning and back in the evening. Moreover, the team will complete the programme with tours and lab visits on campus.

Please post your proposal for a satellite event, relevant for the Helmholtz AI community, as issue by January 28, 2024, 23:59 CET at the latest. You need to have a GitHub account in order to do so.

Rule 1: One issue per satellite event proposal
Rule 2: Use the satellite event issue template to put your abstract in the right shape – we need information such as a title, description, responsible persons, timeframe, requirements.

Please vote on ideas/issues that you consider interesting. Join forces if you had a similar idea.

Note: Registration for these satellite events will be done with separate indico events. Please contact the LOC team if you need help. The Helmholtz AI outreach team will advertise all satellite events and share information about the registration.

If you run into any problems with this process, please contact Susanne Wenzel and/or Fritz Niesel.

Imagine a conference where the traditional, stiff rules of engagement are broken and where participants interactively drive the discussion. A place where creativity and collaboration are not just encouraged but are at the very heart and soul of the event.

Welcome to the second Helmholtz AI Unconference – experience the power of dynamic scientific collaboration!

An unconference is a unique approach to scientific collaboration, which breaks the walls of the traditional, structured and formal conference format. Unlike with a traditional conference, at an unconference there is no set schedule, keynote speaker, or designated topic. Instead, researchers pitch the hot topics they are passionate about, start conversations, find collaborators and, with the help of a wide spectrum of experts, learn how to solve some of the hardest problems of their field.

Regardless of whether you are looking for help with that final step of your project, inspiration for a new approach to an old problem, or anything in between, the possibilities are endless at an unconference.

Before the event starts in the morning of 12 June, submit your idea as an issue on GitHub and welcome your colleagues’ comments. On the day you will have the chance to pitch your topic in 1 minute to create themed discussion sessions, where small groups will meet to explore the submitted topics in more detail.

Unconferences put the emphasis on building relationships and bolstering a fast-paced, collaborative research community. As an attendee you will be encouraged to connect with other participants and share your experience, thoughts and ideas as you see fit, and enjoy this uniquely engaging and rewarding event.

The Helmholtz AI Unconference is awaiting you – share your ideas, connect with like-minded researchers, and push the boundaries of science!

A science slam is a collaborative and engaging event that brings together scientists to present their scientific research in a creative, fun, and accessible way.

Either individually or in pairs, up to 8 participants (pairs count as one participant) from any field of study can deliver their latest work or any topic of interest from the scientific field in a timely, entertaining manner in front of an open audience. Each participant will have up to 7 minutes (strictly! – participants will be interrupted if they go overtime) to deliver their chosen topic as creatively and informatively as possible with the support of any visuals (presentations, videos, etc. are all allowed) and then have up to 3 minutes open mic for discussions and questions from the audience.

A jury will evaluate each Science Slammer and will award the winner at the end of the event.

Abstracts of 200 words will be welcomed from early January! Stay tuned.
For submissions and more information, contact

Deadline: 26 May, 2024